Home Remedies for Dog Abortion: What You Need to Know

Home Remedies for Dog Abortion
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Should you fear that your dog is pregnant and wish to perform an abortion it must be understood the possible risks associated with this activity. Though it is always recommended to seek advice from a veterinarian when dealing with medical issues, there are certain Home Remedies for Dog Abortion that can safely help induce abortion in dogs. These remedies will be discussed in this article and their possible effectiveness along with other considerations are still important.

Home Remedies for Dog Abortion

1. Mistletoe Tea

Mistletoe tea was thought to cause abortions and is traditionally used in human beings as wells as animals for the termination of pregnancy. On the other hand, it should be pointed out that mistletoe turns toxin when taken in large doses. It is vital to use moderation and give minor doses under a vet’s supervision.

2. Parsley

Parsley is a herb in many kitchens and believed to possess abortifacient attributes that are mild on dogs. They advise you to cut fresh parsley into pieces and add it to your dog’s food. But, it is worth mentioning that parsley may not work and should not be regarded as the only method of abortion.

3. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is attributed to the capacity of causing miscarriages in humans but, as for dogs it still remains unclear how effective this vitamin might be when treating them. It is recommended to provide moderate amounts of vitamin C for your dog daily, two times a day over several days. However, it should be noted that the use of vitamin C as a home treatment for abortion is nothing more than treating desperation and only done under veterinary auspice.

Home Remedies for Dog Abortion

Important Considerations

Consult with a Veterinarian

However, before any of the home treatment is used with regard to dog abortion steps should be taken for a vet consultant. They will offer you career guidance as well as recommend the best solution for your pet’s condition. DIY approaches may be dangerous, and complications or even the death of your pet are possible outcomes.

Safety First

Though some home remedies may appear promising, you are advised to take the safety of your dog at a high and risk-free altitude. Self-evident methods of abortion can result in injuries and even death or cause deterioration of the pet’s health. However, always think about risks and find a qualified person who will help you to choose unlikely but completely safe option.

Emotional Support

However, dog abortion can rank among the difficult decisions to make when adopting pets and it is emotionally draining. It is very important to make sure that your pet has someone loving and caring him or her during this difficult moment. Make sure they are accommodated in a comfortable and bereavement free space, shower them with extra care while keeping an eye on their health status at all times.


When applying home remedies for dog abortions, it is crucial that caution should be taken and the welfare of the animal always put first. Although a number of treatments such as the mistletoe tea, parsley and vitamin have been suggested but their reliability is debatable because no one knows how effective they are or what risks there might be if any. However, never try to pursue without prior consulting with the veterinarian and do consider seeking medical help from professionals for better results. However, always keep in mind that above all else it is your pet’s health and well-being.

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