How to Clean Dog Teeth with Baking Soda: A Natural and Effective Approach

Clean Dog Teeth with Baking Soda
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As pet owners, we have only the best wishes in mind for our canine companions and this means providing them dental care. Just as people are prone to become catch dental problems when their teeth remain unattended, same also does apply with dogs. Another natural and useful method for cleaning your pet’s teeth is by the use of baking soda. This article sees the goal to demonstrate how you can clean dog teeth with baking soda. Come along and learn a cheap, safe but efficient way of reducing your pooch’s tartar without having to resort into professional help

Why Choose Baking Soda?

Before getting into the detail of procedure for cleaning dog’s teeth with baking soda, it is essential to comprehend why choosing this ingredient is a good option. As bicarbonate soda is a mild abrasive, it can serve to erode plaque and tartar build-up on your dog’s teeth. It also has anti bacterial properties that can help as an antibacterial weapon against such organisms involved in halitis and gingivitices. The good thing is that baking soda prevents toxicity when applied rightly

Step-by-Step Guide: Clean Dog Teeth with Baking Soda

Today, let’s begin with the main parts – how to brush cats and dogs teeth by using baking soda.

Get the Right Supplies:

Liken first, get the needed supplies to follow up. You should have a toothbrush with soft bristles or even one of those finger-type doggie brushers, baking soda and some warm water for the task.

Introduce Your Dog to the Process:

First, make your dog ready for use of toothbrush or finger brush. Permit them to smell and lick it, then give a reward as foodstuff-a treat for every right response.

Prepare the Baking Soda Paste:

Formulate a baking soda paste by blending together one tablespoon of baking soda with warm water forming something like toothpaste. Make sure that the paste has been smooth enough without unsufficient grarness.

Clean Dog Teeth with Baking Soda

Brush Your Dog’s Teeth:

Hold your dog’s lips gently and open its mouth a little bit in order to see the teeth, apply baking soda paste on toothbrush or finger brush. Always start with small circular movements, working on the exterior surfaces. Be just as good, go easy on him and be patient. It may take one month for the dog to get comfortable with this process.

Pay Attention to Problem Areas:

Extra attention should be paid to sections of the mouth where plaque and calculus tend to accrue, e.g., molars in the back hanging mounts. Therefore, cleaning in these areas should be gentle but still effective enough to make it an integral part of the dental care regimen.

Rinse and Reward:

Brush your dog’s teeth. Rinse his mouth with some lukewarm water after the brushing process to clean out any left-over baking soda particles in the doggie oral cavity. Treat your pet with a nice big treat and praise him for good cooperation.

Establish a Routine:

Mandate teeth cleaning to be a daily part of your dog’s grooming routine. To practice good oral health, they should plan putting up with at least two to three times per week.

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Additional Tips for Optimal Dental Health

  • Brush teeth either with a toothbrush or finger brush intended for dogs. The advantages of this brushes are that they have a much softer texture and its easier on your dogs.
  • Take care not to use human toothpaste because of the very toxic ingredients used in it if swallowed by dogs.
  • Do not blindly introduce the process of toothbrushing with a regular brush to your dog, but gradually accustom him or her to it. Start by having short sessions that they can improve, in which case you should increase the duration.
  • However, some dogs will begrudgingly allow you to brush their teeth when they are first introduced but with practice and praise for effort the activity becomes second nature.


Teeth cleaning is therefore important for dental health as it influences general condition and the dogs’ life. You can protect the dental hygiene of your fluffy friend with a good, natural and mild baking soda formula that is completely safe for him. Be kind, gentle and patient enough to have regular brushing of teeth sessions for your dog eventually leading him / her to show you a beaming smile.

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