What Happens When a Dog Eats Cheese? Risk or Benefits

What Happens When a Dog Eats Cheese
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It has been observed that a dog’s taste bud can be very adventurous to an extent such they cannot resist human food especially the cheese. A healthy dog owner should be aware of how certain foods will influence her or his own pup. In this article, we will answer the question “What Happens When a Dog Eats Cheese?” and analyze the possible repercussions from consuming cheese for dogs as well as highlight its positive impact on our furry little friends.

The Risks of Cheese Consumption for Dogs

Can dogs digest cheese?

However, although dogs can theoretically consume the cheese, it should be noted that not all breeds will be able to process the material without suffering from digestion problems. Lactose is found in the milk and dairy products, which humans as well as dogs may differ when it comes to breaking down of lactose. Many mature dogs produce lactase, an enzyme responsible for the digestion of lactose poorly. Consequently, the provision of them with cheese that has lactose can cause disorders in the digestion.

Digestive upset

When a dog ingests the cheese but does not have the right lactase enzyme, they may experience gastrointestinal discomfort. This may appear as symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting and also flatulence. In addition to this, dogs with past gastrointestinal conditions such as irritable bowl syndrome or lactose intolerance are also bound to have negative side effects from eating the cheese.

Risk of pancreatitis

Another risk that must be considered when feeding dogs cheese is the higher possibility of developing pancreatitis. Pancreatitis, an inflammation of the pancreas is commonly caused by high-fat foods. Along with the increased probability of pancreatitis that may prove to be fatal, your dog’s cheese consumption is boosted by as well.

What Happens When a Dog Eats Cheese

Read More Is Cheese Bad for Dogs

Potential Benefits of Cheese for Dogs

Protein and calcium

But because feeding cheese to the dogs is very dangerous, it also has a good number of possible positive outcomes. Essential nutrients needed by the dogs are protein and calcium, which can also can be found in cheese. Calcium is very important because it helps in the formation of the bones and teeth, while protein plays a key role during tissue formations as well as repair. On the other hand, it is important to mention that cheese should be administered sparingly and provided in a healthy diet rather than as the primary food.

Treats and training aids

Cheese has the potential to be utilized as a delectable indulgence or instructional tool for dogs. Its potent aroma and decadent taste render it exceedingly enticing to the majority of canines, hence establishing it as an exceptional option for reinforcing positive conduct or imparting fresh directives. Nevertheless, it is imperative to slice the cheese into diminutive, bite-sized segments to evade excessive feeding and the potentiality of weight accumulation.


So in short: Should you consult your veterinarian, please note both the potential risks and benefits of feeding your dog cheese. Some dogs may be able to tolerate a little cheesе without difficulty, but for others it can upset their digestion or make them more susceptible to panccreatitis Whichever dog breed you own and whatever your dog’s health condition may be in general, it is always best to consult with your veterinarian before you introduce cheese, let alone another new type of food to his diet.

And remember, cheese should be a rare treat Only and not used to replace properly balanced nutritious dog food.Never forget that each animal is different from others; what may work for one probably won’t a second time.A little care and a lot of discrimination can ensure that cheese treats will be successfully shared with your pet someday—at regular intervals.

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