Why is My Cat Getting Skinny?

My Cat Getting Skinny
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If you have noticed that your cat is looking a little thinner than as usual so you must be thinking why is that Just like humans, there can be various reasons why my cat is getting skinny. In this article, we understand all these possible reasons why is my cat getting skinny and what you can do to help your furry friend get back to a healthy weight.

Common Causes of My Cat Getting Skinny

1. Food And Diet

The most common and important reason for a cat to be Skinny is its diet. In which some factor may also be their disease. You can also say 60% food and 40% disease. A cat is mostly thin or weak because of these two alone. The reasons for being thin are also written below. They are also worth considering. You know that. Cats are notorious for being picky eaters.

So why are they weak, because if they suddenly stop eating their normal food, it can lead to their weight loss. The question is why do they stop eating, it could be because of a change in brand or type of food, or because of a change in their eating schedule. Food meets their nutritional needs. If they do not eat this food, their nutritional needs will not be met. Which can cause them to lose weight.

My Cat Getting Skinny

2. Illness or Disease

One of the most common causes of weight loss in cats is illness. Just as humans become weak in illness, in the same way cats also stop eating and drinking in their illness and then become weak. It can be difficult to notice any symptoms of cats. If your cat is losing weight rapidly, it may be due to diabetes, hyperthyroidism, or kidney disease. These are diseases in which they face a lot of pain. The result of this is to stop eating, and they start to become weak.

3. Dental Issues

Another reason why cats are getting Skinny, it’s their dental problems. Because of toothache cats stop eating or reduce their intake. If your cat is experiencing pain or discomfort while eating, he may do so and the result is that he begins to become weak. It is important to check your cat’s teeth and gums regularly. If you notice any dental problems in your cat such as redness, swelling or bad breath, take your cat to the vet for a dental checkup.

4. Stress or Anxiety

Behind the weight loss and weakness of cats. , may be due to their stress or anxiety. The main reason for their stress or anxiety is changes in the environment. Such as moving to a new home or adding a new pet. Apart from this, other changes can also cause their stress. Due to the fear of the new place, it cannot eat its food properly and starts getting weak and skinny. If you suspect that your cat is stressed. So try to relieve his stress or anxiety and make changes to help him feel more comfortable.

5. Aging

It is not surprising. If your cat is getting older, he may also start losing their weight. This is because of their metabolism. when cats age older so they become less active, which affects their metabolism and they become slower, and as a result, they lose weight.

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