Why is My Cat Licking Lips and Shaking Head: 5 reason

Cat Licking Lips and Shaking Head
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To maintain your cat’s health in good condition, one must understand the behavior of their cats. One of the usual problems that cat owners need to be aware of that when their beloved Cat Licking Lips and Shaking Head. This ordinary manifestation is a symptom and commonly alerts an illness that must be handled. We will discuss the probable reasons for this trouble in our article and offer a few realistic answers on how to cope with it.

Cat Licking Lips and Shaking Head

1. Dental Problems

Dental problems are also visible when your cat licks its lips repeatedly and shakes its head incessantly. Just like humans can develop dental discomfort, cats too are at risk of gum disease, tooth decay, and oral ulcers that result in pain. Such conditions are uncomfortable and in response to the pain your cat may over-lick or shake her head from time to. A veterinarian’s dental examination, accordingly, is necessary for a full medical procedure and the best treatment.

2. Allergies and Irritations

Allergies and irritations are any other common purpose of the excessive Cat Licking Lips and Shaking Head. Environmental allergens like pollen, dust mites, or sure cleansing merchandise can cause allergic reactions in your pussycat friend. These hypersensitive reactions may additionally manifest as itching, redness, or pain, leading to repetitive licking and head shaking. Identifying and casting off the allergen or irritant is crucial to alleviating your cat’s signs. Consult with your veterinarian to determine the first-class path of motion.

Cat Licking Lips and Shaking Head

3. Ear Infections

Ear infection itself is a condition that can affect cats and it makes them uncomfortable with the symptoms that include head shaking, lip licking, or both. Bacteria, yeast, or parasites attack the body causing infections. If you think that the cat has an ear infection, it is advisable to get veterinary input. The doctor will inspect the ears, give needed prescriptions, and advise on a way to save you from future infections.


4. Dental or Oral Foreign Objects

When this happens, the cat will develop high discomfort that evokes excessive licking and head shaking since there may be a foreign object lodged in your cat’s mouth or teeth. It may be a bony fragment, thorn, or even looseness of the tooth.  Carefully inspect your cat’s mouth and examine its gums and teeth for any foreign objects. it is possible to find signs that indicate an abnormality. However, if you spot any changes in how your pet behaves consult the veterinarian for that proper diagnosis and management.

5. Nausea or Digestive Issues

Cats can also lick their lips and shake their head, which may be caused by nausea or inner digestive problems. It could be the case of an upset stomach or if your cat has consumed something that it should not have, you may observe these situations. Furthermore, GI disorders including acid reflux or gastritis also result in pain that the cat has to lip lick. If you feel that nausea or digestion problems are causing your cat’s behavior, make sure to contact a veterinarian for guidance and treatment.


When your cat continues licking its lips and shaking its head, it is essential to analyze the underlying reason. Dental issues, hypersensitive reactions, ear infections, dental or oral foreign items, and nausea or digestive problems are capacity culprits. Seeking veterinary assistance is important for an accurate analysis and appropriate remedy. By addressing the root reason, you could assist your pussycat friend in discovering treatment and restoring its fitness and comfort. Remember, a glad and healthful cat makes for a cheerful cat owner too.

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